

This book was made possible through funding provided by both the Manitoba Heritage Grants Program and, in collaboration with Birna Bjarnadóttir, Sjóður Páls Guðmundssonar frá Rjúpnafelli (the Páll Guðmundsson from Rjúpnafell fund) at the University of Iceland. I also wish to thank Birna for reviewing and commenting on the translations, though I am responsible for any remaining errors. The transcriptions were made using digitized versions of the original issues of Sólskin, which are accessible through the website timarit.is, a collaborative open-access project between the National Library of the Faroe Islands, the National and Public Library of Greenland, and the National and University Library of Iceland. I also wish to thank the University of Manitoba’s Department of Iceland Language and Literature, Katrín Níelsdóttir and Ryan E. Johnson of the Icelandic Collection at the Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Janice Winkler of the Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Althea Wheeler of the University of Manitoba’s Copyright Office, and Stefan Jonasson, editor of Lögberg-Heimskringla, for supporting the project in different vital ways.