
109 The Stefansons, Aug 9, 1917

[August 9, 1917 Sólskin 2:44]

Holar, Sask., 30. júlí 1917.

Heiðraði ritstjóri Sólskins:–

Við systkinin sáum uppástungu þína í Sólskini og okkur langaði að senda fáein cent. Við vonum að fleiri börn sendi, því okkur þykir þetta svo fallegt af börnunum, að safna handa gamla fólkinu. Hér eru nöfn okkar sem sendum:


Svo kveðjum við Sólskin og vonað að það birti þetta sem fyrst.


Holar, Sask., July 30, 1917.

Honourable editor of Sólskin:–

We siblings saw your proposal in Sólskin and we wanted to send a few cents. We hope that more children send since we find it so beautiful for the children to collect for the elderly people. Here are our names who send:


So, we say goodbye to Sólskin and hope that this will be printed as soon as possible.


Note: This letter was accompanied by of list of six names, Magga, Sæa, Anna, Edward, Helga, and Johanna Stefanson, and their respective contributions to the Sólskin fund, totaling $1.50.