
134 The Ásmundsons, Sep 13, 1917

[September 13, 1917 Sólskin 2:49]

Caliento, Man., 5. sept. 1917

Heiðraði ritstjóri Sólskins.

Hér er svolítil íslensk bygð, 25 mílur fyrir vestan Piney, en annars er hér mest Galiciu fólk. Við erum átta systkinin og ætlum að senda svolítið í Sólskinssjóðinn og svo leiksystkini okkar líka. Nú kveðjum við þig öll í þetta sinn og þökkum þér kærlega fyrir Sólskinið, við höfum svo gaman af því.


Caliento, Man., September 5, 1917

Honourable editor of Sólskin.

Here there is a very small Icelandic village, 25 miles west of Piney, but otherwise, there are mostly Galician people here. We are eight siblings and would like to send a little to the Sólskin-fund, and so would our playmates too. Now, we say goodbye to you all at this time and thank you sincerely for Sólskin, we enjoy it so much.


Note: There is no name attached specifically to this letter, but the list of contributors to the Sólskin-fund in the same issue indicates it was sent by the eight Ásmundson siblings: Margrét Halldóra, Þorsteinn Sigurjón, Anna Þórunn, Gunnar Carl, Aldýs Sólrún, Ásta Ingibjörg, Guðmundina Guðný, and Björg Freeman.