110 Steinunn Thómasson, Aug 9, 1917
[August 9, 1917 Sólskin 2:44]
Westbourne, Man., 4. ágúst 1917.
Kæri ritstjóri Sólskins:–
Við hér undir rituð sendum þetta í Sólskinssjóðinn fyrir gömlu börnin á Betel:
Með beztu óskum til ritstjóra Sólskins og allra Sólskinsbarnanna.
Steinunn Thómasson.
Westbourne, Man., August 4, 1917.
Dear editor of Sólskin:–
We, the undersigned, are sending this to the Sólskin-fund for the elderly children at Betel:
With best wishes to the editor of Sólskin and all the Sunshine children.
Steinunn Thómasson.
Note: Steinunn’s letter was accompanied by a list of 7 names, including her own, and their respective contributions to the Sólskin fund, totaling $3.50.