
145 G[uðbjörg] S[igurborg] Björnson, Dec 27, 1917

[December 27, 1917 Sólskin 3:12]

Cloverdale, B.C., 17. desember, 1917.

Herra ritstjóri.

Við systkinin sendum gömlu börnunum á Betel $3.00, og óskum þeim gleðilegra jóla og góðs og farsæls nýs árs.


Með ósk um gleðileg jól til þín og þinna.

Með vinsemd,

G. S. Björnson.


Cloverdale, B.C., December 17, 1917.

Mister editor.

My siblings and I are sending the elderly children at Betel $3.00, and wish them a merry Christmas and a good and happy new year


With wishes for a merry Christmas to you and yours.

In friendship,

G[uðbjörg] S[igurborg] Björnson.


Note: Guðbjörg’s letter was accompanied by a list her five siblings’ names and their respective contributions to the Sólskin fund, which included her own name and .50 cent contribution.