
142 Sunday-school children of the Skálholt-congregation, Nov 15, 1917

[November 15, 1917 Sólskin 3:6]

Reykjavík, Man., 26. okt. 1917.

Kæri ritstjóri Sólskins.

Vér sunnudagsskólabörn Skáholts-safnaðar sendum hér með fáein cent í Sólskinssjóðinn.


Reykjavík, Man., October 26, 1917.

Dear editor of Sólskin.

We Sunday-school children of the Skálholt-congregation are sending along a few cents for the Sólskin-fund.


Note: Accompanying this letter was a list of 29 names and their respective contributions to the Sólskin-fund, totaling $5.45.