
25 Guðbjörg S. Björnson, Feb 17, 1916

[February 17, 1916 Sólskin 1:20]

Kæri ritstjóri Sólskins.

Eg þakka þér kærlega fyrir Sólskinsblaðið. Eg hefi gaman af að lesa það, og held því öllu saman og ætla að láta binda það í fallegt band …

Þín einlæg

Guðbjörg S. Björnson, 12 ára.

Cloverdale, B.C.


Dear editor of Sólskin.

Thank you sincerely for the Sólskin paper. I enjoy reading it and keep it all together and would like to have it bound in a beautiful binding …

Sincerely yours,

Guðbjörg S. Björnson, 12 years old.

Cloverdale, B.C.


Note: The same issue includes several short stories followed by the initials G. S. B., perhaps the writer of this letter.