
50 Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Anatomy & Physiology: OpenStax

This text was a collaboration among many anatomy and physiology professors and was developed using pedagogical practices. This textbook has been successfully adopted, and adapted, and reviews are available.

Includes: Instructor resources, case studies, student resources, simulations, exercises, solutions, and critical thinking questions

Biomechanics of Human Movement

This is an adaptation of 2 OpenStax textbooks for students enrolled in Douglas College in BC. The 2 adapted OpenStax textbooks are Anatomy & Physiology (listed above) and College Physics.

Includes: Reinforcement activities, problems and exercises, glossary

Boundless Anatomy and Physiology

This is a comprehensive text covering topics ranging from the human body organ systems, immunology, human development, reproduction, nutrition, metabolism, disorders and aging of organ systems.

Includes: Lecture slides, quiz, flowcharts

Anatomical Basis of Injury

This anatomy text is targeted to injury in athletic training.

Body Physics: Motion to Metabolism

This book covers the basic functioning of the human body, from motion to metabolism, as a common theme through which fundamental physics topics are introduced. Related practice, reinforcement and Lab activities are included. See the front matter for more details. Reviews are available.

Includes: Review, practice and assessment, reinforcement exercises, supplemental materials

Excelling in Biomechanics: Exploring Joint Angles

This is an interactive excel file that models joint angles. It was created by Wilfrid Laurier University.

Includes: Interactive excel file

Excelling in Biomechanics – Calculating Centre of Mass

This is an interactive excel file that models the different factors involved in calculating the centre of mass. It was created by Wilfrid Laurier University.

Includes: Interactive excel file


This combination of resources are a potential replacement for laboratory manuals for anatomy and physiology. It covers all of the organ systems. It also covers cytology, histology, integumentary system, and blood. There are a lot of diagrams related to different anatomical views of the human body along with detailed pre-lab, laboratory protocols, and post-lab activities.

Includes: Pre-lab questions, laboratory activities, post-lab questions, images, glossary

Concepts of Fitness and Wellness

This textbook was written by professors at Georgia Highlands College. Reviews are available.

Includes: Glossary, self tests

Virtual Exercise Testing and Prescription Lab Manual

This book is a lab manual to accompany the Virtual KIN 4370 course: Exercise Testing and Prescription at the University of Houston. The chapter for each lab activity includes background information, protocol description, comprehension questions, and tables to help with test interpretation (as required). The lab activities have been modified from face-to-face environment to an at-home virtual learning course.

Includes: Videos, activities

Exercise Science 355: Kinesiology and Biomechanics

The OER content in this course shell was originally intended for a 3000-level Kinesiology & Biomechanics course at Fort Lewis College. The course is described as providing “an in-depth study of the basic body movements, osteology, applied myology, spatial relations of muscles and joints, aggregate muscle action, kinesiologic constructs of summation of internal forces, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, techniques for cinematographical and noncinematographical analysis of sport skills. The study of methods, mechanics and analysis of movement as applied to the structure and function of the human organism will also be discussed.”

Indigenous Tourism, in Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC, 2nd Ed.

This is a chapter in an open textbook on tourism. Despite its focus is on BC, it also contains information and examples that are not specific to BC and may be relevant in other contexts.

Includes: Examples, interactive activities

Safe Sport: Critical Issues and Practices

This Canadian textbook was developed by a team of 21 academics and professionals, offering a multidisciplinary approach to the safe sport movement.

Includes: Videos, reflection questions, case studies, interactive activities, suggested assignments, lists of key dates

Using an OER textbook in your course at UM? Let Campus Manitoba know so we can track our progress!


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