
38 Faculty of Education

Pulling Together

Pulling Together guides are the result of the Indigenization Project, a collaboration between BCcampus and the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. The project was supported by a steering committee of Indigenous education leaders from BC universities, colleges, and institutes, the First Nations Education Steering Committee, the Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association, and Métis Nation BC. These guides are intended to support the systemic change occurring across post-secondary institutions through Indigenization, decolonization, and reconciliation.

The editions likely to be of most interest in the Faculty of Education include Pulling Together: A Guide for Teachers and Instructors, and Pulling Together: Manitoba Foundations Guide (Brandon Edition).

Indigenous Teaching Resources: Students Collection

This is a compilation of teaching resources developed at Kwantlen Polytechnic University to support K-12 Indigenous education. Please note this resource is licensed for reuse but does not permit adaptation.

Foundations of Education and Instructional Assessment

This text provides an introduction to educational philosophy, history, reform, sociology, and the principles of effective teaching and assessment.

Reflective Practice in Early Years Education

This resource will provide a context that will allow the reader to consider their obligation to reflect from their own perspective and will explore how to create a practice that best suits their professional setting. This book will bring together in one place the history, the values, the skills and disposition required to be a reflective practitioner. It is a textbook with elements of a workbook, embedded are opportunities to watch, to think, to write, and to listen allowing the reader to become a purposeful and intentional reflective practitioner.

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers

This book from the University of Hawaii is used to teach math for education students. Reviews are available through the Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Activities, examples, and problems bank

Every Teacher is a Language Teacher

This book from the University of Ottawa disseminates practices shared at the annual Every Teacher is a Language Teacher event held at the Faculty of Education for all first-year Bachelor of Education teacher candidates.

Includes: Appendices

Language Learning in K-12 Schools: Theories, Methodologies, and Best Practices

This resource text will help educators gain professional knowledge about language teaching methodologies and best practices for learning an additional language in K-12 school settings. Note that the CC BY-NC-ND license does not allow the creation of derivative works.

Music and the Child

This textbook from SUNY is aimed at supporting pre-service teachers without a music background in integrating music into their teaching. Reviews are available at the Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Activities, resources, glossary

Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Designing Teaching and Learning, 2nd ed.

This textbook focuses on postsecondary teaching. Reviews are available via Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Activities, audio, appendices

Arts Integration in Elementary Curriculum: 2nd Edition

This textbook covers arts integration, music, visual arts, literary arts, performing arts, and physical education and movement.

Includes: Suggested activities and technology, sample lesson plans, lecture slides

Teaching Early and Elementary STEM

This text supports elementary teaching of science, technology, engineering, and math, incorporating activity planning and research-based approaches to pedagogy.

Elementary Earth and Space Science Methods

Though this text from the University of Iowa focuses on their curriculum standards, local instructors may appreciate the organization of the textbook, as well as ideas covered.

Reviews are available through the Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Vocabulary, reflections, lesson plans

Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 1 and Book 2

From the description, these books are “far more than a set of research papers or curriculum studies. The project outputs include both, but they are incorporated into a theoretical structure that can provide the methodological basis for future efforts that attempt to develop culturally responsive Indigenous Science curricula in home places.” There is a focus on Northwestern North America. Reviews can be found on the Campus Manitoba website.

Includes: Appendices, examples, selected resources

Climate Science for the Classroom

These materials were developed by a group of graduate students at the University of Washington.

Includes: Modules, games, labs

Trauma-Informed School Practices: Building Expertise to Transform Schools 

This text is designed to support the development of trauma informed competencies.

Includes: Case examples, exercises, worksheets

Foundations of Intercultural Teaching

Canadian postsecondary classrooms are intercultural environments, prompting educators to develop a philosophy and practice of intercultural teaching. This resource develops foundational concepts underlying intercultural teaching practice, including the purposes for intercultural teaching, the ways in which culture is understood, and the process of developing in interculturality.

Inclusive Pedagogies

Building on the principles explored in Foundations of Intercultural Teaching, this resource introduces educators to educational strategies that can foster more inclusive, equitable, and just classroom environments.

Interculturizing the Curriculum

This short book engages educators in two main strands of interculturalizing the curriculum: (1) revising curriculum to reflect intercultural learning outcomes, and diverse content from multiple perspectives, and (2) supporting student interculturality development.

Steps to Success: Crossing the Bridge Between Literacy Research and Practice

This textbook focuses on research based instructional strategies for literacy. Reviews are available on the Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Questions and activities

Sharing Our Knowledge: Best Practices for Supporting English Language Learners in Schools

This textbook was developed from final essays written by mostly graduate and some undergraduate students enrolled in an EAL course at the University of Saskatchewan. Reviews are available via Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Glossary

Understanding Canadian Schools: An Introduction to Educational Administration, 6th Ed

The purpose of this book, developed at the University of Saskatchewan, is to help readers understand the different ways in which pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 education is organized under provincial jurisdiction in Canada.

Includes: Statistics, examples, exercises

Teaching Math for Emergent Bilinguals: Building on Culture, Language, and Identity

This interactive book from Iowa State University emphasizes using students’ language and culture as a resource in the math classroom. It is reviewed at the Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Pre- and post-reading questions, interactive activities

Indigenous Information Literacy

This book outlines best principles for working with Indigenous print and oral sources in academic research. Topics include evaluating Indigenous print sources for credibility and authenticity, finding Indigenous authors, and respectfully working with Elders. Please note that while free to read, this resource is not licensed for editing or remixing.

Includes: Reflection exercises


This OER hub was created by Western University’s Faculty of Education, and features OERs on teaching and topics including EDI, inclusive education, student mental health, and violence against women and children.

Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science

This book shares the stories, motives, insights, and practical tips from global leaders in the open movement.

Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology: Historical Roots and Current Trends

“What is this field?” “Where have we come from as a discipline, and where are we going?” “What do I want to study?” These and other questions are typical for new students in the field of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. This textbook is designed to help answer these questions and provide the quickest route to understanding the history and current trends in the field. After surveying classic theories and writings, as well as more recent applications of theory and practice, students will be better prepared to chart their own course and careers within the discipline. This book is designed to support foundations courses common in departments, as well as seminars on current trends and issues.

Democratizing Online Learning in Postsecondary Education: Instructional Design Plans

The instructional design plans in this volume were peer reviewed through a double-blind process.

Global Digital Library

The GDL platform provides reading books in more than 100 languages and early math learning resources in English.

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OER by Discipline: University of Manitoba Copyright © 2022 by University of Manitoba Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.