
19 Economics

Principles of Microeconomics

This is an adaptation of the OpenStax textbook of the same name, done by Dr. Emma Hutchison at the University of Victoria, making it more relevant for the Canadian context. A review is available of the adaptation from the BC Open Collection. OpenStax textbooks are peer reviewed and come with extensive ancillary resources; reviews of the OpenStax version are also available through the Open Textbook Library.

Economics (Openstax)

Principles of Economics 2e covers the scope and sequence of most introductory economics courses. As an OpenStax textbook, it is peer reviewed and comes with extensive instructor resources, including a D2L course shell, lecture slides, polling questions, discussion questions, and question bank. Reviews are available through the Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Extensive instructor resources, student resources

Principles of Microeconomics

This book focuses upon the material that students need to cover in a first introductory course. It is slightly more compact than the majority of principles books in the Canadian marketplace. Decades of teaching experience and textbook writing has led the authors to avoid the encyclopedic approach that characterizes the recent trends in textbooks. While this book avoids calculus, and uses equations sparingly, it still aims to be rigorous.

Includes: Key terms, exercises and solutions, glossary

Applied Calculus (Openstax)

This Lumen Learning book and associated course covers all of the concepts of first-year calculus with a balance of application and theory, applied to economic and business contexts. Go to the bottom of the page to connect to the course homepage.

Includes: Exercises, videos, homework


CORE (Curriculum Open-access Resources in Economics) provides OER in Economics. Please note that because the material is licensed using the more restrictive CC BY NC ND license, materials can not be edited or remixed.

Includes: Exercises, videos, glossary

Principles of Macroeconomic Literacy

This textbook emphasizes basic economic concepts such as value and cost in developing macroeconomic ideas. Students learn concepts involving credit markets, economic planning, and money through short fictional stories in which characters interact in an attempt to make themselves better off. Please note that while free to access, this resource is not licensed for distribution or editing.

Includes: Exercises

Advanced Macroeconomics: An Easy Guide

This graduate level book introduces the tools of dynamic optimization in the context of economic growth, and then applies them to a wide range of policy questions. It does so with the requisite rigor, but also with a light touch, and an unyielding focus on their application to policy-making.

Includes: Appendices

Introduction to Energy and Earth Sciences Economics

This textbook is an introduction to microeconomic fundamentals with a focus on the applications of economics to energy and environmental markets. It introduces the economic method of analysis to the environmental and resource questions facing society.

Solar Resource Assessment and Economics

This book explores the methods, economic criteria, and meteorological background for assessing the solar resource with respect to project development of solar energy conversion systems for stakeholders in a given locale. It provides students with an in-depth exploration of the physical qualities of the solar resource, estimation of the fractional contributions of irradiance to total demand, and economic assessment of the solar resource. The course utilizes real data sets and resources to provide students context for the drivers, frameworks, and requirements of solar energy evaluation.

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