66 Chemistry
Introductory Chemistry Texts
Introductory Chemistry, 1st Canadian ed
This text is an adaptation of David W. Ball’s Introductory Chemistry open textbook. It was adapted by Jessie A. Key at Vancouver Island University as part of the B.C. Open Textbook Project. Reviews are available. Reviews are available.
Includes: PowerPoint slides, exercises, solutions, examples, summaries
Chemistry: 2e (OpenStax)
This peer reviewed textbook comes with extensive instructor and student resources, much like many commercial textbooks. It has been adopted extensively. Reviews are available.
Includes: Instructor resources, exercises, solutions, simulations, glossaries
Chemistry: Atoms First 2nd Edition (OpenStax)
This peer reviewed textbook was developed by chemistry professors from the OpenStax textbook listed above, to accommodate the authors’ “atoms first” approach to teaching introductory chemistry.
Includes: Instructor resources, exercises, solutions, simulations, glossaries
First Year General Chemistry
This textbook was developed for a first year Chemistry course at Queen’s University.
Includes: Embedded videos, exercises
General Chemistry: 1 and 2
Chemistry LibreTexts
A collection of open textbooks, assignments, and other educational resources on chemistry subjects.
Includes: Supplemental modules, exercises, ancillary materials
CLUE: Chemistry, Life, the Universe and Everything
Includes: Reflection questions
The Basics of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
This text is appropriate for a one-semester introductory chemistry class.
Includes: Comprehension questions
Organic Chemistry Texts
Organic Nomenclature 101
This resource was developed by a faculty member from the University of Ottawa. It is an interactive way to learn organic chemistry nomenclature.
Includes: Interactive quiz, practice questions
Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry
Authored by William Reusch at Michigan State University, this interactive textbook covers the usual topics treated in a second year course. Links are offered to advanced discussions of selected topics.
Includes: Practice problems
Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry II
These open textbooks are designed to be used in the first and second semester of Organic Chemistry, respectively. They were written by a faculty member at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
Includes: Practice questions and answers
Organic Chemistry, 10th edition
Dr. McMurry has released a 10th edition of his popular textbook as an OER through OpenStax. Reviews for this edition are available.
More Chemistry Texts and Tools
Analytical Chemistry 2.1
Written by David Harvey of DePauw University, this 2016 update to Analytical Chemistry 2.0 is well reviewed and adopted. Reviews are available.
Includes: Key terms, problems, practice exercises
Key Elements of Green Chemistry
This text was designed for an introductory course in green chemistry. It has been reviewed at the Open Textbook Library.
Includes: Review questions
Chemistry and the Environment: A Chemistry Perspective for Discussion of Environmental Issues
This is an adaptation of an OpenStax textbook. The adaptation was done locally by a University of Winnipeg instructor and includes an accompanying workbook.
Includes: End of chapter exercises, illustrations, chemist profiles
Environmental Toxicology
This peer reviewed textbook was developed by a team from 6 Dutch universities in a modular fashion to facilitate adaptation. Reviews are available through the Open Textbook Library.
Includes: End of chapter exercises
Thermodynamics and Chemistry, 2nd ed
This is designed for a 1-semester course in classical chemical thermodynamics. Reviews are available.
Includes: Solutions manual, biographical sketches, appendices