
53 Accounting and Finance

Financial Empowerment: Personal Finance for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People

This resource was adapted from a major American personal finance book (reviews of which can be found here) for use in Canada.

Includes: Video interviews with elders, exercises, video introduction to the textbook, slide deck

Introduction to Financial Accounting, 3rd ed.

This textbook is an adaptation by Athabasca University of the original text written by D. Annand and H. Dauderis. It is intended for use in entry-level college and university courses in financial accounting. A corporate approach is utilized consistently throughout the book. The adapted textbook includes multiple ancillary student and instructor resources. Student aids include solutions to all end-of-chapter questions and problems, and randomly-generated spreadsheet problems that cover key concepts of each chapter. These provide unlimited practice and feedback for students. Instructor aids include an exam bank, lecture slides, and a comprehensive end-of-term case assignment. This requires students to prepare 18 different year-end adjusting entries and all four types of financial statements, and to calculate and analyze 16 different financial statement ratios. Unique versions can be created for any number of individual students or groups. Reviews are available.

Includes: Case studies, practice problems, solutions manual, and additional resources

Financial Accounting

This book is intended for an undergraduate or MBA level Financial Accounting course. It covers the standard topics in a standard sequence, utilizing the Socratic method of asking and answering questions. Reviews are available.

Includes: Exercises, key takeaways

Principles of Finance

Principles of Finance provides a strong foundation in financial applications using an innovative use-case approach to explore their role in business decision-making.

Includes: Downloadable data exercises

Principles of Financial Accounting

This textbook was developed by a professor of accounting at the University of North Georgia. This text utilizes pedagogical approaches, has been successfully adopted, and has been peer reviewed by other accounting faculty. Reviews are available.

Includes: Student resources, professional development resources, exercises, solutions

Introductory Canadian Tax

This textbook was developed at Kwantlen Polytechnic University by an undergraduate class as part of an open pedagogy assignment. Please note that it is an ongoing project.

Includes: Interactive activities

Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective

This textbook uses annual reports of real companies to illustrate many of the accounting concepts in use in business today. Gaining an understanding of accounting terminology and concepts, however, is not enough to ensure your success. You also need to be able to find information on the Internet, analyze various business situations, work effectively as a member of a team, and communicate your ideas clearly. This text was developed to help you develop these skills. Reviews are available.

Includes: Exercises

International Finance: Theory and Policy

This book discusses national economies and international trade. Review questions.

Includes: Exercises, key takeaways

Intermediate Financial Accounting, Vol 1 and  Vol 2

This text is intended for a first course in Intermediate Financial Accounting. It presumes that students have already completed one or two Introductory Financial Accounting courses. The book reflects current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), such as IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts With Customers. It focuses on more difficult intermediate accounting topics that match prerequisite requirements for students advancing to a second level Intermediate Financial Accounting course. Advanced topics that are covered in Advanced Financial Accounting courses, such as consolidations and foreign exchange, are not included here. Reviews are available for volumes 1 and 2.

Includes: Case studies, exercises, and solutions

Principles of Managerial Accounting

This textbook on managerial accounting is peer reviewed.

Includes: Exercises in-text and for Excel, resources for student professional development.

Managerial Accounting

This textbook focuses on the essential managerial accounting concepts used within organizations for decision-making purposes in a way that is straightforward and concise. Reviews are available.

Includes: Exercises, problems, cases, spreadsheets applications, group projects

Principles of Accounting, Vol 1: Financial Accounting, and Vol 2: Managerial Accounting

This OpenStax textbook exposes students to the core concepts of accounting in familiar ways to build a strong foundation that can be applied across business fields. Volume 2 focuses on managerial accounting. Reviews are available for volume 1 and volume 2.

Includes: Instructor resources, student resources, PowerPoint slides, applications, exercises, solutions

Liquidity, Markets and Trading in Action

This open access book addresses four standard business school subjects: microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance and information systems as they relate to trading, liquidity, and market structure. It provides a detailed examination of the impact of trading costs and other impediments of trading that the authors call “frictions”. It also presents an interactive simulation model of equity market trading, TraderEx, that enables students to implement trading decisions in different market scenarios and structures.

Includes: Instructor resources

Financial Management for Small Businesses: Financial Statements & Present Value Models

This book is for those whose financial management focus is on small businesses. For you, we adapt the traditional financial management themes emphasized in corporate financial management courses to meet the needs of small businesses. Reviews are available.

Includes: Learning objectives, review questions

Financial Strategy for Public Managers

Coverage includes basic principles of accounting and financial reporting, preparing and analyzing financial statements, cost analysis, and the process and politics of budget preparation. Reviews are available.

Includes: Case studies

Money and Banking

Topics covered in this textbook include money, interest rates, banking, asymmetric information, financial crises and regulation, monetary policy, and monetary theory. Reviews are available.

Includes: Short cases, exercises

Information Systems for Business and Beyond

This book introduces the concept of information systems, their use in business, and the larger impact they are having on our world. Reviews are available through eCampusOntario and the Open Textbook Library.

Includes: Summaries, study questions

Business OER Environmental Scan (PDF)

In 2019, eCampusOntario commissioned an environmental scan of business OER, which included an extensive search for OER. The results of that search can be found in this spreadsheet.

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