60 Composition
Fundamentals, Function, and Form: Theory and Analysis of Tonal Western Art Music
This textbook by Andre Mount provides its readers with a comprehensive study of the theory and analysis of tonal Western art music.
Includes: Activities, summaries
Open Music Theory
This book is an interactive, online “text” book for college-level music theory courses.
Includes: Interactive music-notation modules
Music Theory for the 21st-Century Classroom
Music Theory for the 21st–Century Classroom is an openly–licensed online four-semester college music theory textbook. This text differs from other music theory textbooks by focusing less on four–part (SATB) voiceleading and more on relating harmony to the phrase.
Includes: Video with embedded start and stop times, homework assignments, practice tests
Classical Music: Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges
This collection reflects on classical music as it advances through the twenty-first century. With insights drawn from leading composers, performers, academics, journalists, and arts administrators, special focus is placed on classical music’s defining traditions, challenges and contemporary scope. Although this book is free to read and reuse, it is not licensed for editing or remixing.
Principles of Orchestration, with Musical Examples Drawn from His Own Works
This work by Rimsky-Korsakov illustrates composition for orchestra.