Finding and Evaluating Information

Caitlin Munn; Josh Seeland; and KC Bateman

So far, we have examined what information literacy is and why it matters to you as a college student and future professional. Now, let’s take some to explore the information literacy skills we’ve identified:

  • Find or access information
  • Evaluate information
  • Use information

Get started with a short reflection. Set a timer for 2 minutes and brainstorm:

  • Where do you go when you need information on a topic?
  • What digital and non-digital sources of information do you use?
  • Have you ever visited a Library or used online Library services to access information?

Finding Information

Take a look at Assiniboine’s library guide on Where to Find Information for more information on sources of information and how to find them.

Read LibGuide on Search Strategies for more support in finding that different information.

Evaluating Information

Watch this 13-minute video. As you’re watching, think about the following questions:

  • What does the quality of information shape?
  • What does the example of the minimum wage website tell us?


For the next five minutes, consider the following questions. It could be helpful to write your answers down.

  • How do you evaluate the information you come across?
  • How do you check if it’s accurate or correct?
  • Have you ever believed something you read online and then realized later that it wasn’t true?

This Assiniboine Resource will help you to evaluate the information



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