
Academic Integrity and Indigenous Knowledge 

Curt Shoultz; Lisa Vogt; Dr. Paul MacLeod; Dr. Brenda Stoesz; Josh Seeland; and Lynn Cliplef


Respect the work of others, value diverse opinions, and acknowledge ideas that are not your own. Our world is stronger when more voices are heard. When building upon the work or words of others, be sure to use citations or other attributions in order to respect their contribution to this body of knowledge.


Love comes from the heart: express your own ideas (Maracle, 2020). As a college student, express your own ideas based on your passion for truth and mutual responsibility.


Standing up for what is right takes determination, commitment, and conviction. Have the courage to speak up and speak out, even if you’re afraid or unsure. Sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing. If you need an extension to do your best work, talk to your instructor. If you are unsure about an instructor’s expectations, it’s better to ask than to make an assumption.


Your quest for honesty should always be apparent. Be authentic in everything you do, not just in your schoolwork. Be sure to follow the guidelines that your instructor sets out for all assessments. For example, use a calculator on a test only if it is permitted by the instructor.


Reach your fullest potential. Trust grows and is built by what you do, not just what you say. Trust yourself to do your own work. Do not submit work that has been completed by anyone else. It is within a reciprocal relationship of trust that academic and personal growth can happen.


Wisdom does not come from age, but from knowledge and experience: speak well and use logic. When using others’ knowledge and experience, evaluate and think critically about this information to ensure your sources reliable and appropriate for the task.


Be reliable, lead by example, and hold yourself and others accountable.  How different would the world be if we all took responsibility for our own actions?


Have humility in your work by taking responsibility for what you have done. Do not ask other people to do your work. Do not share your work with others who need to complete their own work.


Be transparent, have reasonable expectations, and do your own work. Fairness is for everyone, not just some.

Maracle, I. B. J. (2020). Seven Grandfathers in Academic Integrity. Indigenous Student Services First Nation House. https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/Seven_Grandfathers_in_Academic_Integrity.pdf


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