Developing Your Information Literacy Skills

Caitlin Munn; Josh Seeland; and KC Bateman

Information literacy skills are developed over time through education, practical experience, and self reflection. By continually working on your information literacy skills, you can become more effective at accessing, evaluating, and using information to make informed decisions and solve problems. Here are some examples of how you can do this at Assiniboine:

  1. Attend information literacy workshops: The Assiniboine Library offers workshops that are designed to help students develop their information literacy skills. These workshops may cover topics such as evaluating sources, conducting research, and citing sources correctly.
  2. Use the library: The library is an excellent resource for developing information literacy skills. The friendly Library staff can help you find relevant resources for your assignments, show you how to search databases effectively, and provide guidance on evaluating sources.
  3. Use the Learning Curve: The Learning Curve is an excellent resource for developing your writing skills. They offer workshops and one-on-one consultations.
  4. Take advantage of online resources: There are many online resources that can help you develop your information literacy skills. For example, the Library has Library Guides for each program. Take some time now to explore the program guide for your program.
  5. Seek feedback from instructors: Your instructors can provide valuable feedback on your research, writing, and critical thinking skills. Make sure to take advantage of their expertise and ask for feedback on your assignments and projects.

By taking advantage of the resources and supports available to you, you can become more effective at finding, evaluating, and using information, which will benefit you both academically and professionally.


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College Foundations Copyright © 2022 by Caitlin Munn; Josh Seeland; and KC Bateman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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