Make Your Search More Effective

Information Literacy Here are some general tips on how to search for information. In your studies at Assiniboine Community College, matching your research question to the right ytpe of resources will not only reduce stress, but also help to produce better grades for you. Word Choice Word choice Identify keywords (important words that you require information about). aim for two to four keywords. Having too many words, especially ones that are not related to your subject may result in too few or unrelated results. Combining your Words  aim for two to four keywords. Having too many words, especially ones that are not related to your subject may result in too few or unrelated results. Language Consider whether you will be using a search engine or a database and looking for popular or scholarly sources. The language or terminology you use for searching might yield popular results from Google, or scholarly resources from database. Evaluate what you've found Think critically in evaluating the information you find through your search. Certain types of websites may be more appropriate for different situations. The website of an organization (.org) a commercial website (.com) a website from the Canadian federal goverment ( Is the information authoritative? emotional or sensational language may be a sign of bias. How recent the information is matters a lot in some cases, e.g. medical information from 1896 may be useful for a history student, but dangerous to a nursing student


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