Quick Search

Caitlin Munn; Josh Seeland; and KC Bateman


For this activity, you are going to spend ten minutes searching on a topic of your choice. The purpose of this activity to is to practice finding and evaluating sources of information.

To get started:

  • Select a topic
  • Select 3-5 keywords, also referred to as search terms, are words that represent the main ideas of your topic. These words are considered the most important, (or the key), ideas, concepts, or subjects about which you’re looking for information.

Now, set a timer for ten minutes and search for information on your topic. You can use web search results, databases, or other sources of information.

When the 10 minutes is over, go to the next page.


What did you find in your search? Were you satisfied with your results? Why or why not?

What sources of information did you use?

Read the next page for tips on how to make your searches more effective.



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