

You have reached the end of Section 3 of the Foundations Guide. In this section, you explored the complexity of identifying and deconstructing falsehoods and misinformation that have been perpetuated  through media and policy. You should now have an understanding of what colonization means and how the history of colonization has affected, and continues to affect, Indigenous Peoples today. You should be able to recognize how centuries of institutionalized racism have created stereotypes of and hostility toward Indigenous Peoples. You should also be aware of ways you can support decolonization and reconciliation.

The work of deconstructing and reconstructing is a shared process and not solely one for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples to tackle. It is a shared responsibility to rebuild relationships and create lasting partnerships and alliances.

The Pulling Together: Manitoba Foundations Guide group hope you have started your path to decolonization and reconciliation with the information highlighted in this guide. As stated at the beginning of the guide, this is not a definitive resource; it is a start for lifelong learning and positioning yourself within Indigenous-Canadian relations. Thank you for taking this journey with  us.

Knowledge Check

Now that you have completed Section 3, answer the Knowledge Check questions.

Note: If you are not using the online version of the Foundations Guide, you can find the questions and answers in Appendix A.