
Navigating This Resource

Using the table of contents

For streamlined navigation, begin by accessing the Table of Contents dropdown menu situated in the upper left corner of the book. Select the “Contents” bar to unveil the dropdown menu, then select any chapter or section title to instantly navigate to that section.

The table of contents dropdown on the upper left side of the book.

Navigate the book one page at a time

Alternatively, you can use the forward and back navigation arrows fixed on the bottom of your screen. They are labeled as “Previous” for moving backward and “Next” for moving forward. Simply select these arrows to navigate through the book one page at a time.

The fixed "Previous" and "Next" buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Return to top

As you scroll down a page, an additional navigation button will become available above the center of the “Previous” and “Next” fixed arrows. Select this new button to automatically return to the top of the page.

The button that appears above the fixed navigation at the bottom of the screen to return readers to the top of the page.


Throughout the book, you’ll also find hyperlinks embedded in the text. Select these links to navigate to related sections, external resources, or additional content.

Using your browser

If you’ve navigated away from a section and wish to return to your previous location, simply use the back button on your browser.


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Copyright Toolkit for Manitoba Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Josh Seeland and Sasha White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.