Book Title: College Success for Newcomers

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Rebecca Molly Hiebert and Emilie Jackson from the Academic Success Centre were awarded a grant from Campus Manitoba in Spring 2022 to create an Open Educational Resource (OER) focused on supporting newcomers in their transition to the college setting. The OER will be an excellent resource for programs to share with new students during their program orientation, for instructors to share with students during coursework, and for student support staff to share with students to help them succeed. The OER covers topics such as Indigenous peoples and Truth and Reconciliation, anti-racism, gender and sexual diversity, and neurodiversity to provide students with information about diverse experiences. It covers topics including goal setting, time management, taking initiative, and academic integrity to prepare students with the study skills needed to succeed in the college setting. It also covers content on communication, note taking, test taking, memory, and group work skills to prepare students for communicating and succeeding academically in the North American college context. The OER contains reflection and H5P interactive activities, as well as images, graphics, and examples.
College Success for Newcomers Copyright © 2023 by Rebecca Hiebert and Emilie Jackson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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