Chapter 3 Describing Movement in Two Dimensions, 2-D Linear Kinematics


3.1 Kinematics in Two Dimensions

a quantity that has both magnitude and direction; an arrow used to represent quantities with both magnitude and direction

the vector sum of two or more vector quantities.

3.2 Adding and Subtracting Vectors: Graphical

component (of a 2-d vector)
a piece of a vector that points in either the vertical or the horizontal direction; every 2-d vector can be expressed as a sum of two vertical and horizontal vector components
refers to the interchangeability of order in a function; vector addition is commutative because the order in which vectors are added together does not affect the final sum
direction (of a vector)
the orientation of a vector in space
head (of a vector)
the end point of a vector; the location of the tip of the vector’s arrowhead; also referred to as the “tip”
head-to-tail method
a method of adding vectors in which the tail of each vector is placed at the head of the previous vector
magnitude (of a vector)
the length or size of a vector; magnitude is a scalar quantity
the sum of two or more vectors
resultant vector
the vector sum of two or more vectors
a quantity with magnitude but no direction
the start point of a vector; opposite to the head or tip of the arrow

3.3 Adding and Subtracting Vectors: Algebra

analytical method
the method of determining the magnitude and direction of a resultant vector using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric identities

3.4 Projectile Motion

air resistance
a frictional force that slows the motion of objects as they travel through the air; when solving basic physics problems, air resistance is assumed to be zero
the study of motion without regard to mass or force
displacement of an object as a function of time
an object that travels through the air and experiences only acceleration due to gravity
projectile motion
the motion of an object that is subject only to the acceleration of gravity
the maximum horizontal distance that a projectile travels
the path of a projectile through the air


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