11 Spit Shine and Polish


With a finalized project, remove all unnecessary pieces such as research questions, search terms, envelopes and outline. All that should remain is the title page, paper, and works cited. Rename the file but keep both files.

In the era of AI generated papers, it is an extra layer of protection to maintain files of your work. Also, a paper should return at least three assets back to the writer. A simple grade is insufficient. Considering the grade as the primary asset of the paper cheats the writer. With each paper there is essential learning and development. Aside from the grade, the writer could also present the information at conferences, at work, or begin a blog documenting a learning journey. Many universities house journals that receive student work. Consider submitting work to these journals.

As for my work, I first submit each paper to a professional organization where I can discuss it with a group of peers and receive feedback. Sometimes, I submit the papers for publication. Most often the papers or research find a home with a client or becomes the foundation for presentations and public speaking engagements. The research always enriches my other work.

Similarly, I maintain the list of questions, envelopes, outlines, rough drafts, and final submissions. Some research supports subsequent work. In other words, the same learning bundle can give rise to several papers. For example, a learning bundle on folklore and recitation gave rise to four papers. Two papers focused on folklore created by recitation using the Gettysburg Address and the poem In Flanders Fields. But this also gave rise to two other papers on the renaming of places as a system of Indigenous erasure and the creation of new folklore to replace the Indigenous narrative already in place.

Research is designed to create learning. Learning is designed to alter the thought processes of the individual encountering the learning. Learning is meant to functional and used daily.


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Growing a Writing Practice: Non-Extractive Writing Copyright © 2024 by La Royce Batchelor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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