Book Title: Growing a Writing Practice: Non-Extractive Writing

Author: La Royce Batchelor

Book Description: Growing a Writing Practice is a step-by-step skill-building approach to teaching research and writing. Beginning with asking good questions, to learning how to answer those questions, through outlining and citation, and landing on a final draft that embraces learning, not grade seeking, bias confirming, author exploitive, disposable writing. Education has historically relied on English fluency and hypothesis proving rather than unbiased exploration of information. Strongly influenced by Indigenous methodologies, epistemologies, and pedagogy, Growing a Writing Practice provides an opportunity to decolonize writing.

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Book Information

Book Description

Essays for sale, AI, plagiarism, grade seeking: clearly it’s time to revamp research and writing. Students have not learned to write well, they’ve learned to game the system, get the grade, and move on. The dominant colonized system of higher education is seeking to reinvent itself to be more accessible, equitable, and inclusive. Growing a Writing Practice begins with exercises such as writing prompts to create a practice of writing on demand. Then guides the student through a series of exercises that build a toolbox that can be utilized for any research and writing demands.

What are those tools? Growing a Writing Practice begins with asking good questions and learning how to draft questions in several ways providing several lenses through which to view the question and possible answers. A culture of extractivist research and writing has emerged. Decolonizing the extractivist approach requires shifting the focus away from bias confirming, data extracting, merely citing toward a process of honouring authors as teachers, published research as teachings, a habit of ethical considerations, and research and writing not as grade seeking but as balanced and purposeful exploration of curiosity and learning.

The toolbox includes clarifying search terms, creating a body of work, exploring ethical teachers, assembling envelopes, organizing themes and data, constructing useful outlines, seeking feedback, and producing writing not just for a grade, but to produce mastery.  Strongly influenced by Indigenous methodologies, epistemologies, and pedagogy, Growing a Writing Practice provides an opportunity to decolonize writing.


La Royce Batchelor


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Growing a Writing Practice: Non-Extractive Writing Copyright © 2024 by La Royce Batchelor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Writing and editing guides


Growing a Writing Practice: Non-Extractive Writing
La Royce Batchelor
Blaine Batchelor

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Growing a Writing Practice: Non-Extractive Writing Copyright © 2024 by La Royce Batchelor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

This work has been prepared with love and care by Dr. La Royce Batchelor. It is licensed CC-BY-NC 4.0, 2024. Any reuse must be non-commercial and attribute the author.

Primary Subject
Writing and editing guides
Additional Subject(s)
Creative writing and creative writing guides, Language learning: writing skills, Language learning for academic, technical and scientific purposes, Research and information: general, Decolonisation of knowledge / Decoloniality, Teaching of reading, writing and numeracy
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
Publication Date
June 3, 2024
Ebook ISBN