Call for Proposals
Campus Manitoba and the Manitoba Open Education Initiative invite proposals for open educational resource (OER) adaptation/creation projects.
The Campus Manitoba PressbooksEDU Network is aiming to support 6 projects through the 2023-2024 academic year, resulting in a collection of Made-in-Manitoba OER.
The project lead(s) must be a faculty or staff member at one of Campus Manitoba’s partner institutions:
We encourage projects that involve people from a wide range of roles within and beyond the academic community (students, librarians, faculty, staff, community members, etc.), highlight diverse perspectives and voices, and emphasize equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The resource should support teaching, learning, and/or professional development at the post-secondary level, with clear learning goals and objectives.
The project team should strive to include interactive content, educational technologies, and/or multiple media types to enhance the teaching/learning experience.
Campus Manitoba will provide guidance on Pressbooks, research, project scoping, and multimedia/LMS integration, as well as create a space for project teams to come together to share updates throughout the year. As projects are completed, resources will be featured in Campus Manitoba’s Pressbooks Catalogue.
Financial support for projects accepted to the Campus Manitoba Pressbooks Network is available through the Campus Manitoba OER Development Grant. All project leads are eligible to apply via the project and grant application. Grants are capped at $2000.
Criteria for Successful Grant Proposals
Grant proposals must:
- Include a budget documenting the use of the funding being requested.
- Include a project timeline that will allow work to be completed by September 30, 2024.
- Not exceed a $2,000 funding request.
- Demonstrate sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
It is preferred but not mandatory that grant proposals include plans to hire a student to support the work.
Review and Selection Process
Evaluation, selection, and awards are determined by an internal review committee against the grant criteria stated above.
Project Requirements
For funds to be released, all projects must:
- Be released with an open license, such as a Creative Commons license, allowing others to freely retain, copy, modify, remix, and/or redistribute the content.
- Follow sound open publishing practices for all OER created or adapted with these funds.
- Be completed on time.
- Include all source/editable files used in creating the resource (including any multimedia files) to enable further remixing and modification easily.
- The project lead must ensure that the resource undergoes a copyediting process.
- Agree to participate in an interview about the project.
- Acknowledge the support of Campus Manitoba in the development of these resources.
If you have any questions, please contact open@campusmanitoba.ca.