
1. What are morphology and syntax?

This textbook is an introduction to the study of the sub-fields of morphology and syntax. In this chapter, we begin by defining both these words and some basic concepts in both subfields. We will discuss some of the applications of morphology and syntax, and show how they interact with the larger field of linguistics. We will also introduce some study habits that will help you succeed in the study of linguistics, as well as give an overview of some common misconceptions about academic integrity.

Learning objectives

By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Define the fields of morphology, syntax, and linguistics.
  • Describe some applications of the study of morphology and syntax and why they are relevant.
  • Define morphemes and distinguish between simplex and complex words.
  • Apply some study strategies to common tasks in linguistics courses to improve your learning, problem solving, and writing.
  • Understand what counts as an academic integrity violation.

