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About the cover
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Accessibility statement
Statement on the inclusion of Indigenous languages
A note to instructors
Becoming a linguist
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Revisions history
1.1. What is morphology?
1.2. What is syntax?
1.3. Morphosyntax as a subfield of linguistics
1.4. Becoming a linguist: Study tips for linguistics classes
1.5. Becoming a linguist: Myths and misconceptions about academic integrity
Connor Mark
Chapter 1 practice exercises
2.1. Linguistics as science
2.2. Evidence and hypotheses
2.3. Prescriptivism and descriptivism
2.4. The lexicon and dictionaries
2.5. Becoming a linguist: Identifying academic sources
2.6. Becoming a linguist: Scientific writing in morphosyntax
2.7. Becoming a linguist: Citation in morphology and syntax
Chapter 2 practice exercises
3.1. What is a grammar?
3.2. Generative Grammar
3.3. The acquisition of morphosyntax
3.4. Poverty of the Stimulus and Universal Grammar
3.5. Debating Universal Grammar
3.6. Computer use of language
3.7. Becoming a linguist: Empirical and theoretical arguments
Chapter 3 practice exercises
4.1. Language modality
4.2. Methods of data collection
4.3. Language, dialect, and grammar
4.4. What is grammaticality?
4.5. The validity of speaker judgments
4.6. Becoming a linguist: Discussing data
4.7. Becoming a linguist: Glossing spoken language data
Chapter 4 practice exercises
5.1. Language and community
5.2. Colonialism and decolonization
Case study: Colonial practices in the early linguistic research of Franz Boas and George Hunt
Melissa Curatolo
Chapter 5 practice exercises
6.1. The building blocks of morphology
6.2. Affixes
6.3. Inflection and derivation
6.4. Reduplication and non-concatenative morphology
6.6. Allomorphy
6.7. Clitics
6.8. Becoming a linguist: Anatomy of an academic article
6.9. Becoming a linguist: How to read an academic article
6.10. Guided reading: Is n't a clitic or an affix?
7.1. Predicates
7.2. Arguments
7.3. Clauses
7.4. Statements, questions, and commands
7.5. Relative clauses
Chapter 7 practice exercises
8.1. Determining part of speech
8.2. Nouns
8.3. Verbs
8.4. Adjectives and adverbs
8.5. Functional parts of speech
8.6. Common pitfalls
8.7. Case study: French possessive adjectives are not adjectives
Chapter 8 practice exercises
9.1. Word formation processes
9.2. Different meanings of word
9.3. Packaging words and morphemes
9.4. Wordhood: An unsolved problem
Chapter 9 practice exercises
11.1 Hierarchical structure in compound words
List of abbreviations
Lists of tables and figures
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The Linguistic Analysis of Word and Sentence Structures Copyright © by Julianne Doner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.