
List of abbreviations

Parts of speech abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
Adj adjective
Adv adverb
C complementizer
Conj conjunction
D determiner
N noun
P preposition
T tense
V verb

Glossing abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
1 first person
2 second person
3 third person
ABS absolutive case
ACC accusative case
CN common noun marker
DUR durative aspect
ERG ergative case
F feminine noun class
FUT future tense
HAB habitual aspect
M masculine noun class
NOM nominative case
OBJ object
PFV perfective aspect
PL plural number
PN proper noun marker
PolQP polarity question particle
PRS present tense
PST past tense
REAL realis mood
SG singular number
SUBJ subjunctive mood
VTI transitive verb with inanimate goal

Other abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
AI artificial intelligence
CJL Canadian Journal of Linguistics
IPA International Phonetic Alphabet
OED Oxford English Dictionary
UG Universal Grammar