Key terms

Instructions for customization

How to use this page template:

Step 1: Authors can replace [Term X] with their specific terms and [Definition or Description] with the respective definitions or descriptions. This template provides a structured format for organizing key terms and their corresponding explanations within the content.

Step 2: Once you have completed editing this page, delete this instruction box.


[Term 1]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 2]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 3]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 4]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 5]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 6]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 7]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 8]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 9]

[Definition or Description]

[Term 10]

[Definition or Description]


Unless otherwise stated, the content in this section is adapted from [Source Title], by [Author(s)], and is used under the terms of a [License Type] license. You can freely download and access the original material at [Source URL].


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Campus Manitoba Pressbooks Template Copyright © 2024 by Campus Manitoba is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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