Key equations

Instructions for customization

This page is used for presenting key equations.

Note: The “Key Equations” section is included as an optional feature and may not be relevant to all textbook types. If your content does not require highlighting key equations, this section can be modified, renamed, or removed entirely to better suit your chapter’s needs.

How to use this page template:

Step 1: Replace the equations with their specific terms and mathematical expressions.

Step 2: Once you have completed editing this page, delete this instruction box.


[latex]e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0[/latex]

[Equation goes here.]

[Equation goes here.]

[Equation goes here.]

[Equation goes here.]


Unless otherwise stated, the content in this section is adapted from [Source Title], by [Author(s)], and is used under the terms of a [License Type] license. You can freely download and access the original material at [Source URL].


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Campus Manitoba Pressbooks Template Copyright © 2024 by Campus Manitoba is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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