Versioning history

Instructions for customization

Keep track of changes made to your text over time for transparency and provide a way for readers to give feedback.

How to use this page template:

  1. Use the chart below to note when changes occur, allowing users to reference specific versions.
  2. Add 0.1 to the version number for substantial changes, and 1.0 for transformative changes (resetting the decimal to .0).
  3. Encourage feedback by sharing contact information or embedding a survey form using an H5P iFrame.

Optional: Optionally, provide access to older versions by exporting and downloading PDF copies, and include links to download those versions on this page.

We are always seeking to improve our open textbooks. Please submit your suggestions, recommendations, and/or corrections at [URL].

This page lists major changes to this book with major changes marked with a 1.0 increase in the version number and minor changes marked with a 0.1 increase.


Version Date Change
1.0 June 5, 2024 Pressbook created.
1.1 August 20, 2024 Added to front matter: AI disclaimer chapter and templates.
1.2 In progress – coming soon! Added to back matter: updated bibliography chapter with templates for citing open resources.


Unless otherwise stated, the content in this section is adapted from the University of Manitoba Pressbooks Template and is used under the terms of a CC0 public domain license. You can freely download and access the original material at the University of Manitoba Pressbooks template.


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Campus Manitoba Pressbooks Template Copyright © 2024 by Campus Manitoba is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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