
Part Three: A Closer Look at Artists and Writers through Visual Art and Related Texts

The chapters in this part of Book One provide an opportunity to look more closely at the way artists like Vincent Van Gogh, for example, expressed their emotions in art and in writing. Vincent Van Gogh wrote hundreds of letters to his brother Theo on his fears, hopes, and feelings about his art, different artists and the art world, nature, life, and death. Excerpts from his letters are illuminated in his paintings. Many artists throughout the centuries have drawn their inspiration from the plays of William Shakespeare. Selected art images from various plays by William Shakespeare are featured along with complementary verses. In the chapter on Short Stories, visual art and related short story excerpts are used to exemplify various themes that include love, belonging, and loneliness, science fiction and the future, the uncanny and the supernatural, and life turns. Learners are invited to find different art images that best complement a story or theme.  Specific teaching and learning strategies and questions for further research and inquiry are also provided.

The Chapters and sections of Part Three include: