
12.11 References

Three children reading books on a table by a window
Pekka Halonen (1865-1933). Children Reading (1916). EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Espoo, Finland. Public Domain.
Courtesy: By Halonen, Pekka (1865 – 1933) (Finnish)Google Art Projectでのアーティストの詳細 – yQE0dq3HwssUeQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22629187


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Hosseini, K. (2017). Sea prayer. Viking.

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Lucie-Smith, E. (1972) Symbolist art. Thames and Hudson.

Mezirow, J., Taylor, E.W., and Associates. Transformative learning in practice: Instights from community, workplace, and higher education.Jossey-Bass.

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Moorman, H. (2006). Backing into Ekphrasis: Reading and Writing Poetry about Visual Art. English Journal, 96 (1) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307747420_Backing_into_Ekphrasis_Reading_and_Writing_Poetry_about_Visual_Art

Negri, P. (2003) Pre-Raphaelite poetry: An anthology. Dover Thrift Publications.

Nicholls, E. (Ed.). (2019). Inspiration: John Keats poetry. Flame Tree Publishing..

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Pickering, J.H., & Hoepper, J. D. (Ed.). (1992). Literature. MacMillan Publishing.

Perrine, L. & Arp, T. (Ed.). (1992). Sound and sense: An introduction to poetry. Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

Phillips,L.C. (2003). Nurturing empathy. Art Education, Vol.56, 4, 45-50.

Rosen, M. (Ed.) and illustrations by Larry Wilkes (1991). Kingfisher’s a world of poetry. Kingfisher Books.

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Schlam, C. (2021). The joy of art: How to look at, appreciate, and talk about art. New York: Allworth Press.Shakespeare, W. (2010). Shakespeare sonnets (Arden Shakespeare). Methuen Drama.

Sternberg, R.J. (2003) Wisdom, intelligence, and creativity synthesized. Cambridge University Press.

Sullivan, C. (2002) Dancing in the wind: Poetry and art of the British Isles. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers.

Tamas, R. (Ed.). (2019). Inspiration women’s voices. London: Flame Tree.

Taylor, E.W., Cranton, P., & Associates. The handbook of transformative learning. Jossey-Bass.

Van Den Heuvel, C. (Ed.).(1986). The haiku anthology. Simon & Shuster.

Van Doren Stern, P.  (Ed.). The portable Poe. (1983). Penguin.

Wandera, D. (2016). Teaching Poetry Through Collaborative Art: An Analysis of Multimodal Ensembles for Transformative Learning. Journal of Transformative Education,14 (4). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303746831_Teaching_Poetry_Through_Collaborative_Art_An_Analysis_of_Multimodal_Ensembles_for_Transformative_Learning/citation/download

Watson, H. (Ed.). (2015) Favourite poems of the sea. National Trust.

Weller, S. (1992).  Great love poems. Dover Publications.

Weideman, C., Larass, P. & Klier, M.  (2011). 50 women artists you should know. Prestel Verlage.

Words to inspire. (2019). Lake Press.

Weinstein, K. The owl: In art, myth and legend. Crescent Books.

Whitfield, E.H. Tales from Rumi. Duncan Baird Publishers.

Wordsworth, W. (2019). The poetry of William Wordsworth. Dover.

Wynn-Davies, M. (Ed.). (1998). Women poets of the renaissance. J.M. Dent.

Yeats, W.B. (2019). The poetry of W.B. Yeats. Arcturus.


Additional Web Sites for Teaching and Learning Ideas

Emory University, The Poet Speaks of Art.org., 2023,  Emory University, The poet speak of art, 2023, http://english.emory.edu/classes/paintings&poems/titlepage.html

International Literacy Association, Poetry Resources, 2023, https://www.literacyworldwide.org/blog/literacy-now/2019/04/11/ilachat-poetry-resources.

National Council of Teachers of English: Poetry Resources, 2023, https://ncte.org/resources/poetry/

Read Write Think.org., 2023https://www.readwritethink.org/collections/poetry

PBS Learning Media: Poetry Resources, 2023, https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/poetry-in-america/

Elements of Poetry: PBS Learning Media, 2023 https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/ang17.ela.poetry/elements-of-poetry/

Famous Poets and Poems Website, 2023, http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/

The Poetry Foundation, 2023, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/

The Poet Speaks of Art (Emory University).

Poets.org https://poets.org/


Interactive Poetry and Art: Google Arts and Culture, 2023, https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/poemportraits-an-interactive-artwork-combining-poetry-design-ai-google-arts-culture/3QE2ZJpM2N8P3w?hl=en

https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/poetry/g1s05r65kl? hl=en

Poetry Portraits: Google Arts and Culture, 2023, https://artsandculture.google.com/story/DAUhzl07hOPELQ


Johannes Vermeer
