
28 References and Learning Resources

References: Fantastic Creatures, Mythic Monsters, and Heavenly Inspirations References and Resources

Allen, T., Fleming, F., Kerrigan, M, & Gosden, C.  (1999). Myth and mankind Journeys through Dreamtime: Oceanian myth. Duncan Baird Publishers.

Armstrong, K. (2005). A short history of myth. Vintage Canada.

Art that changed the world. The Editors (2013) , DK Random House. Internet Archive Link (to view the text) https://archive.org/details/art-that-changed-the-world-dk-2013/page/n11/mode/2up

Asbjornson, P. Ch. (2009). Tales from the Fjeld: A series of popular tales from the Norse. Translated by Sir George Dasent, D.C.L. London: Gibbings & Co. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1896. (Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/cu31924079597849). 

Asimov, I. (1962). Words from the myths: A fascinating exploration of our living heritage from the ancient world. Signet.

A treasury of the world’s best loved poems (1961). Avenel Books.

Baione, T.  (2012). Natural histories: Extraordinary rare book selections from the American Museum of Natural History. Sterling Signature.

Bartlett, S. The secrets of the universe in 100 symbols. Chartwell Books.

Bedworth, C. (2020) Siren song: History of mermaids in art. Daily Art Magazine. Retrieved October 10, 2022. https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/mermaids-in-art/

Bedworth,C. (2022). Evelyne De Morgan: The Pre-Raphaelte sister you may not know. Retrieved August 28, 2022  Daily art magazine online. https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/evelyn-de-morgan-the-pre-raphaelite-sister-you-may-not-know/

Benton, Janetta Rebold. (1992). The Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages  (pp. 40-48; pp. 61-63). New York: Abbeville Press.

Brodskaya, N. (2012). Symbolism. Parkstone International.

Buckle, L. (Ed.). (2010). Cambridge School Shakespeare: A Midsummer night’s dream. Cambridge University of Press  (Series editor: R. Gibson).

Bulfinch, T. (1993). The golden age of myth and legend: The classical mythology of the ancient world. Wordsworth Reference. Originally published in 1867 by Lee and Shepard.

Butler, S. (Trans.) (2018). The Illustrated Odyssey by Homer. Fall River Press.

Bussagli, M. (2007). Angels. Abrams.

Chemin, L. (2022). An Artistic Tour of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Daily Art Magazine. Retrieved October 10, 2022.  The Daily Art Magazine (online).https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/midsummer-nights-dream-art/

Coleman, E. (Ed.). (1967).  Poems of Byron, Keats, and Shelley. Double Day & Company.

Classic quotations: Memorable musings that put life into perspective (2018). Arcturus Publishing, 2018.

Dalal, A. (2002) Anita Dalal, Myths of Oceania. Steck-Vaughn.

De Morgan, E. (1855-1919). The Art Story. https://www.theartstory.org/artist/de-morgan-evelyn/of

Davis, C. (1999). A treasury of Celtic design. Constable and Company.

Dulac, E. (2021). Edmund Dulac’s picture book for The French Red Cross. Alpha Editions.

Duncan-Jones, K. (2010).  Shakespeare’s sonnets and A lover’s complaint. Arden Shakespeare.

Eisenstat, M. (Ed.) (1988). Harbrace Shakespeare: Hamlet. Harcourt Canada.

Ellis, J.A. (1991). From the dreamtime: Australian Aboriginal legends. Harper Collins.

Farewell Brown, A., Bradish Powers, S. Litchfield, M., & others (2021). Norse mythology: Tales of the gods, sagas,

and heroes. Sirius/Arcturus.

Flood, A. (2022). New Arabian Nights translation to strip away earlier versions’ racism and sexism. The Guardian. Retrieved October 10, 2022 https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/dec/15/new-arabian-nights-translation-to-strip-away-earlier-versions-racism-and-sexism

Forrester, K.(2006). Celtic tales: Fairy tales and stories of enchantment from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, and Wales. Chronicle Books.

 Amy Goldschlager A. & Eos, A. ( 1997). Science Fiction & Fantasy: A genre with many faces (terms and definitions). Retrieved October 10, 2022 http://www.sfsite.com/columns/amy26.htm

Edwards, George Wharton (1896). Old English Ballads. Project Gutenberg eBook.


Gettings, F. (1973). Arthur Rackham. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Green, M. (1983). Unicorns: On the history and truth of the unicorn. Running Press.

Gwynn, R.S. (Ed.) (2009). Poetry: A pocket anthology. Penguin Classics.

Haeckel, E. (2012) Art forms in nature. Prestal Verlag (originally published between 1899-1904).

Hague, M (2004). The book of fairy poems. Harper Collins Publisher.


Hamilton, E. (1942). Mythology. Little, Brown, and Company.

Haynes, N (2021). Pandora’s Jar: Women in Greek myths. Harper Perennial.

Haywood, J. (foreword by Barry Cunliffe) (2001). Atlas of the Celtic world. Thames & Hudson.

Hawthorne, N.  (2012). Tanglewood tales (Illustrated by Virginia Frances Sterrett). Calla Editions, Dover Publications,. (The edition illustrated by Virginia Frances Sterrett was published in 1921-Penn Publishing Co.).

Project Gutenberg eBook of Ts:  Tanglewood Tales: http://gutenberg.ca/ebooks/hawthorne-tanglewood/hawthorne-tanglewood-00-h-dir/hawthorne-tanglewood-00-h.html (produced by Iona Vaughan, Marcia Brooks, Mark Akrigg & the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdpcanada.net)

Henderson, H.G. (1967/1987). Haiku in English. Charles E. Tuttle Company.

Hodge, S. (2014). Gustav Klimt: Masterpieces of art. Flame Tree Publishing.

Hokusai, K. (1760-1849) Art images. Internet Archives. https://archive.org/details/MasculineWavesOnami002

Housman, L. (1932). Stories from the Arabian Nights (Illustrated by Edmund Dulac). Garden City Publishing. (originally published in 1911).

Huber, R. (2013). Teaching plans for world mythology. Retrieved October 10, 2022


Inuit mythology: Ancient myths of gods, goddesses, and creatures by Trident Books (2022).

James, G. (1979). Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales (Illustrated by Warwick Goble). MacMillan & Co. (first published under the title “Green Willow and other Japanese Fairy Tales” in 1923 by MacMillan & Co.).

Jargalsaikhan, B. (2022). Greek Mythological Creatures That Combine Female Beauty and Beastly Ugliness. Retrieved October 10, 2022 https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/greek-mythological-creatures/

Kendall, L., Norell, M.A., & Ellis, R. (2016).  Mythic creatures and the impossibly real animals who inspired them. Sterling Signature.

Kiely, A. (2023). Here be medieval dragons. Daily Art Magazine online. https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/here-be-medieval-dragons/

Kiely, A. (2023). The Medieval bestiary: Cute, quirky, and weird animals. https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/the-medieval-bestiary-cute-quirky-and-weird-animals/

Martin, C. (2004) The metamorphoses of Ovid. W.W. Norton.

Kiely, A. 2021.Here be Medieval Dragons. Daily Art Magazine. Retrieved October 10, 2022 https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/here-be-medieval-dragons/

Kiely, A. (2022). Owls, Peacocks and Sparrows: Birds in Art. Daily Art Magazine. Retrieved October 10, 2022. https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/flying-objects-birds-in-art/

Korn, M. (2016). Celtic tales: Fairy tales and stories of enchantment from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, and Wales (with illustrations by Kate Forrester). Chronicle Books.

Kozloff, A. P. (1981). Animals in ancient art: From the Leo Mildenberg collection. The Cleveland Museum of Art in Cooperation with Indiana University Press.

Lang, A. (2019) The Fairytale books of Andrew Lang. Retrieved October 10, 2022 https://www.gutenberg.org/files/30580/30580-h/30580-h.htm (A. Lang’s tales were written in the 19th century and early 20th century).

Lang, A.  (1844-1912). Twelve Fairy Books of Andrew Lang. Internet Archive.



Teacher’s Guide: https://www.weeklystorybook.com/files/lang-guide.pdf#:~:text=Andrew%20Lang%20began%20collecting%20and%20publishing%20fairy%20tales,a%20variety%20of%20cultures%2C%20and%20all%20lovingly%20illustrated.

Lang, A. (1966). The violet fairy book. Dover Publications. Originally published in 1901 by Longmans, Green, & Co.

Larrabee, H. (2020). Haiku illustrated: Classic Japanese short poems. Amber Books.

Leeming, D. A. (1990).  The world of myth: An anthology. Oxford University Press.

Lie, J. Weird tales from Northern seas. Translated by R. Nisbet Bain. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. 1893. Internet Archive, https://archive.org/details/weirdtalesfromn00liegoog

Lowenstein, T, & James, V. (2006).  Haiku inspirations: Poems and meditations on nature and beauty. Duncan Baird Publishers.

Lunge-Larsen, L., & Hinds, G. (2011). Gifts from the gods: Ancient words & wisdom from Greek & Roman mythology. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Mabie, H. W. (Ed.) (1905). Fairy tales every child should know. Doubleday, Doran, & Co.

Project Gutenberg eBook. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/14916/pg14916-images.html

Makinen, K., & Surojegin, P.L. (2001). An illustrated Kalevala: Myths and legends from Finland. Floris Books.

Massie, S. Land of the firebird (The beauty of old Russia). (1980). Hamish Hamilton.

Marks, A. (2022). Masterpieces of Japanese woodblock printing. Taschen.

May, R. (1991). The cry for myth. W.W. Norton & Co.

Menges, J.A. (2005). Arthur Rackham treasury (86 full colour illustrations). Dover Publications.

Morse, P. (1989). Hokusai: One hundred poets. George Braziller, Inc. Publishers.

Owen, D. (1920). The book of fairy poetry (illustrated by Warwick Goble). Retrieved October 10, 2022 from Internet Archive


Paschen, E. (2005). Poetry speaks to children. SourceBooks MediaFusion.

Paschen, E.,  Mosby, R.P. , Raccah, D., & Pinksy, R., Dove, R., Gioia, D. (2001) Poetry speaks: Hear great poets read their work from Tennyson to Plath. SourceBooks MediaFusion (narrated by Charles Osgood).

Patterson, M. (2022) Centaurs in Art. Daily Art Magazine. Retrieved October 10, 2022 https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/centaurs-in-art/

Penn, W.S. (Ed.). (1996). The telling of the world: Native American stories and art. Stuart, Tabori, & Chang.

Internet Archive Link


Pennick, N. (1997). The sacred world of the Celts: An illustrated guide to Celtic spirituality and mythology. Inner Traditions.

Poignant, R. (1967). Oceanic mythology: the myths of Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia,

 P. Hamlyn Publisher.

Rasmussen, K. (2009). Inuit Folktales. University Press of New England.

*Rasmussen devoted much of his life to ethnological and cultural studies throughout Arctic North America. His heritage was both Danish and Indigenous and he was committed to understanding at a deeper level the social, cultural, historical, and psychological origins of ancient Inuit oral myths, folktales, and legends. Rasmussen was known to be a keen observer and would take detailed notes and sketches. He collected hundreds of stories, songs, and artefacts throughout this career. The Inuit belief system, noted Rasmussen, was domenated by stories of the human and nonhuman world, superstition, and transformation.

Rieu, E.V.  (Trans.) (1953). Homer: The Iliad. Methuen & Co., LTD.

Ronneberg, A. & Martin, K. (Eds.). (2021). The book of symbols: Reflecting on archetypal images. Taschen.

Roukes, N. (1982). Art synectics: Stimulating creativity in art. Davis Publications.

Rosen, B.(2008). The mythical creatures bible. The definitive guide to legendary beings. Sterling.

Rowse, A.L.  (1978). The annotated Shakespeare (Volumes I, II, & III). Clarkson N. Potter, Inc.

Ryan, D. P. (2016). Ancient Egypt in poetry. The American University in Cairo Press.

Samatar, S. (2022). Teaching The Arabian Nights In Wisconsin A Resource Guide for Educators, Center for the Humanities University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI).

Sax, B. (2013)The mythical zoo: Animals in myth, legend, and literature. Overlook Duckworth.

Sayre, H.M. (2009). Writing about art (sixth edition). Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Schlam, C. (2021). The joy of art: How to look at, appreciate, and talk about art. Allworth Press.

Schultz, P. Making Connections to Myth and Folktales. Project Gutenberg eBook.


Searls, D. (2020). (Translator). Letters to a young poet by Rainer Maria Rilke with letters to Rilke from the ‘young poet.’ Liveright Publishing Co.

Seidelman, H., & Turner, J. (1993).The Inuit imagination: Arctic myth and sculpture. Douglas & McIntyre.

Shakespeare’s love sonnets (illustrations by Caitlan Keegan) (2011). Chronicle Books.

Spencer, I. (1975). Walter Crane. MacMillan Publishing Co.

Smith, P. (1995).  100 best-loved poems. Dover Publications.

Tatar, M.(2020). Heroes & Heroines: Myths & Tales. Flame Tree Publishing.

Thynell, U. (2019). Nordic tales: Folktales from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark. Chronicle Books.

Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Dover Thrift Editions.

Van Berkom, B. (1985).  Ancient Scandanavian designs. Stemmer House Publishers.

Wilkinson, B. (1994). Angels in Art. Studio Editions London.

Wilkinson, P. (2019). Myths and Legends: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings. DK Penguin Random House.

Wilkinson, P., Carroll, G., Faulkner, N., Field, J., Haywood, J., Kerrigan, M., Philip, N., Pumphrey, N., & Smith, J.T. (2021). The mythology book: Big ideas simply explained. DK Penguin Random House.

Yoshitani, Y.(2020).  Beneath the moon: Fairy tales, myths, and divine stories from around the world. Ten Speed Press.

Zaczek, I. (1902).  Angels: artists & inspirations.

Additional online Learning Resources 

Animals in Art


Ancient Animals at Work


Artful Animals


Symbolism of Animals


Symbolism of Birds


Medieval Beasts and Bestiaries (Metropolitan Museum of Art)


Art Gallery and Museum Teaching and Learning Resources

The J. P. Getty Museum, Los Angeles, California, US

Heroes, Gods, and Monsters (Teaching and Learning Resources )

-Writing from Mythological Narratives and Sculpting Mythic Figures



Cleveland Museum of Art-Medieval Monsters

https://www.clevelandart.org/exhibitions/medieval-monsters-terrors-aliens-wondersA Field Guide to Medieval Monsters (*excellent categorization of medieval creatures including dragons, sea serpents, unicorns, griffins, and giants). (Cleveland Museum of Art).


Museums dedicated to mythical creatures.


American Museum of Natural History, New York.


Metropolitan Museum of Art,

New York City

-The Unicorn Tapestries (Teaching Resources)


Lesson Plans for Integrating Visual Arts (Metropolitan Museum of Art)


Minneapolis Institute of ArtsWorld Myths and Legends in Art


Smithsonian Art Museum and Renwick Gallery, Washington, DC. (Smithsonian Education)

Myths in Art and Words: https://smithsonianeducation.org/educators/lesson_plans/myths/index.html

Fairy and Folk Tales (Illustrated)

Old French Fairy Tales (Segur & Sterrett Internet Archive) (illustrated) https://ia902209.us.archive.org/21/items/oldfrenchfairyta00sgrich/oldfrenchfairyta00sgrich.pdf

Edmund Dulac’s Picture Book for the French Red Cross (illustrated. Internet Archive)


Helene A. Guerber Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas (illustrated, Internet Archive).


Indigenous Myths and Legends

Amplifying Indigenous Experiences (PBS Learning Media). https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/amplifying-indigenous-experiences-video-gallery/all-stars-lessons/

The Thunderbird Legend


Inuit Stories


Inuit Myths and Legends with illustrations


Legendary Creatures of Indigenous Mythologies



Indigenous Traditional Myths and Legends (Compiled by Lakehead University)


Mythological Creatures


Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Paleontology and Biology.


The British Museum: Myths and Legends


Storytime Lessons (Myths, Legends, and Mythic Monsters)


Additional Teaching Resources

Arabian Nights Teaching Guide:



National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE):  Writing Resources


Theseus and the Minotaur (and other myths)


PBS Learning Media (Teaching Resources)


In Search of Myths and Heroes-PBS Learning Media Lessons/Unit


National Geographic Learning Resources


Canadian Museum of Human Rights-Stories


Indigenous Teaching and Learning Resources:


Metropolitan Museum of Art -Curriculum Resources


National Writing Project Ideas (NLP)


Smithsonian Art Museum Learning Labs

Storytelling Traditions of South Asia and the Middle East


Volin, K. (2019). Teaching Folktales around the World. Teachers Institute of Philadelphia.


Writing a Myth:


Mythic Journeys (The Hero’s Journey)-Teaching Resources


Teaching Resources: Teaching Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales.


Link to Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales:


Teaching Myths and Legends to High School Students




National Council of Teachers of English (online resources).

